How To Spot Hail Damage: Free Guide

Hail is one of the most common types of severe weather that homeowners will face. In fact, our area gets 1-2 major storm events each year. As you probably know, each storm can vary in terms of size and duration – both of which can impact how much damage is done to your home. 

No two storms are alike and not every storm causes damage. How do you know when to call a professional?

We recommend homeowners to get a roof inspection after every major hailstorm to prevent costly future repairs. Afterall, it’s better to be safe than sorry! But we also know that not all hailstorms are alike and not every storm will cause damage.

To help, we’ve put together this handy guide on what to inspect after a hailstorm. This will help you know if a storm has caused damage to your home and what steps to take if you do see damage. Here’s what the guide includes:

  • (Printable!) property assessment checklist
  • Picture examples of what hail damage often looks like
  • Information on how hail causes damage
  • What your next steps should be if you see signs of hail damage 

Click here to download it now

Don’t Risk Not Knowing If Your Roof Has Hail Damage

Most homeowners don’t know how much damage can be caused by even a “small” storm. The damage will get worse over time and lead to costly (but preventable!) repairs. Learn more about those here. Using this free guide will help protect your home and your wallet! 

 Click here to download it now

Know You Have Hail Damage? We Can Help

Sometimes damage after a hailstorm is so obvious (like having a giant hole in your roof) that you won’t need our guide. If that’s the case, give our expert team a call at (864) 208-9415 or request an inspection online today! Emergency services are available, and we are happy to help!

If you’ve downloaded and used our guide, tell us what you think! Follow us on Facebook and join the conversation.