3 Things Every Homeowner Needs to Do After A Hailstorm

Hail causes about $1 billion in damage to crops and property each year.

Yet few homeowners know what steps to take after the storm to prevent further damage and escalating repair costs. So that’s exactly what we’re covering below.

 The first thing to know? Time is not on your side.

Damage from a hailstorm can leave dents in your roof, siding, and gutters which can turn into dents in your wallet if you don’t get it fixed soon after the storm has passed. 

If you’re like most homeowners, the thought of spending your hard-earned money on massive home repair bills doesn’t sound too exciting… right?! We didn’t think so.

So, what’s the best thing you can do for your home (and savings account!) after a hailstorm? These three things: 

1. Inspect Your Home For Signs Of Hail Damage 

Hail damage can be hard to spot, especially if you don’t know what to look for! One of the easiest ways to know if your roof has hail damage is to check your car for dents and dings. If your car has damage, your roof likely also has damage and you should get a professional inspection asap!

If you were lucky enough to have your car parked in your garage during the storm, you’ll need to check some additional areas around your home to spot damage – like your gutters and siding. To help equip you with some tools of the trade we’ve put together a comprehensive (printable) hail damage checklist. 


PLEASE NOTE – Inspecting a roof can be dangerous. Always practice safety first. We do not advise you to get on your roof unless you have proper safety gear and relevant roofing or construction experience.

2. Get A Professional Hail Damage Inspection 

If you are seeing signs of hail damage, you need to call for a professional roof inspection asap


Hail damage gets worse over time and that means the longer you wait, the higher the repair bills will be. 

Getting a professional roof inspection after a storm benefits a homeowner in two major ways: you’ll learn if you have damage or not and knowing that will prevent you from making an un-needed claim on your insurance policy.

If you’re in need of a professional hail damage inspection for your home, we can help! Call (864) 208-9415 today or use our online contact form

3. Review Your Insurance Policy

If you do have hail damage, the good news is that most insurance policies cover the repairs needed. However, every insurance policy is different, so you’ll want to make sure you review yours and keep the information handy in case you must file a hail damage claim. 

Pro Tip: One important thing to find out is if your insurance company has time limitations for filing a hail damage claim. 

Key Takeaways

Unpredictable storms create unpredictable problems but being proactive can prevent costly future home repairs! 

If you’re in need of a professional hail damage inspection, our expert team is here to help. Call  (864) 208-9415 today or use our online contact form. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and get more tips on the best way to take care of your home after a hailstorm hits.