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Slate Roofing

Slate Roof Repair Near Me in South Carolina

Slate is a great choice for roofing because of all its benefits. Natural slate roofs are extremely durable and are a top choice for homebuyers. The Roofing Company is a partner of the national slate association and one of the only premier slate roofing contractors and slate roofing repair experts in Greenville, SC.

These roofs are made from stones that have been formed from metamorphosed sedimentary rocks composed of clay and volcanic ash. They have a unique appearance and are incredibly durable and long-lasting. It’s one of the strongest roofing material out there for new roof installation.

We at The Roofing Company want to help explore the many advantages of slate roofing and show homeowners how these special shingles can be used to protect their homes.

Slate Roof Repair, Replacement, and Maintenance

As an experienced roofing contractor, at The Roofing Company, we are aware that slate roofing is robust, beautiful, and is also a bit more in cost in comparison to other shingles as well as metal roofing. However, one advantage to take into consideration is that leaks in your roof made of slate can be repaired without having to undergo a full replacement of your roof. We offer repairs for all of our South Carolina customers, and we’ll go to every effort to get the slates back in the good shape and only replace those that aren’t reusable.

Our slate roof repair procedure is thorough and begins with a thorough assessment of the issue. We search for missing and damaged slates, and determine whether the valleys and flashing are in good order and whether the roof could be fixed easily. If we can determine the problem and give you estimates of the work, along with prices and warranty information. 

Prior to beginning repairs, we’ll put in an elaborate set-up to prevent us from walking directly over slates. We will replace any slates that are damaged or missing by removing the nails using a specific tool known as the slate ripper. After that, we take out the slate pieces and install a slate hook and then put up a new slate. Sometimes we will also have to replace the valley or flashing, however, if we do so, we try to use the slates that are already in place. Contact us for roof repair in South Carolina.

Benefits of Slate Roofing

1. Durability and Longevity:

Slate roofs can last for at least 100 years. With regular maintenance and an expert installation, you can expect to get more than 150 years out of your slate roof.

Slate roofs are much more durable than other roofing materials. They are made of natural stone, which is extracted from the earth over millions of years. Because of this, they are almost indestructible and last a very long time with little wear and tear. Slate roof repairs are uncommon since a new slate roof can last so long. Many homeowners will never need to replace their slate. However, you may require minor roofing repairs if storms damage your roof or heavier objects, such as trees, fall on it. A slate roof is strong enough to withstand the most severe storms and can not be blown or torn off easily by wind, hail, or rain. 

Having to schedule a slate roof repair is very uncommon as slate tile roofs both avoid excess moisture and have one of the longest life expectancy rates compared to any other roofing material.

2. Style and Color:

Natural stone is used to make slate roofs. When slate roofs are removed, they will not affect the environment. On the other hand, when asphalt shingles or other roofs become worn, they will need to be replaced. Some roofing materials, like fiberglass, are not biodegradable. These materials can cause environmental damage and waste accumulation in landfills and scrap yards. Slate roofing, made of natural stone, is environmentally friendly and will never clog landfills. 

Slate roofing is an elegant, beautiful, and unique choice, and it will enhance the architectural style of your home and preserve its beauty over time. Slate roofing offers many benefits, including natural fire resistance and resistance to mold. Because of its low water absorption, slate roofing is resistant to frost damage from freezing.

There are many types of slate roofing available, including mixed-colored and textural designs.

Two of the most sought-after patterns in America are the standard and random width. There are many styles and textures available in slate. Slate can be smooth and uniform or rough and rustic. Slate can be found in various colors, from muted to bright colors though greys and blacks are the most popular. They are also available in different greens, purples, and reds.

3. Slate Increases the Value of Your Home

Due to its unique appeal and quality of protection, a slate roof will attract more buyers. If you are looking to sell your house, a slate roof will increase its market value. Because of its weight, a slate roof is considered strong and sturdy. 

While you may need to spend more on a slate roof, it will be worth it in the long term. A slate roof will give you a beautiful, long-lasting, secure, and attractive roof that is easy to maintain. For expert roofing installation, hire a professional; contact The Roofing Company for more information about slate roofing.

5. Asphalt Shingles VS Slate 

Slate roofs can be described as “forever roofing”. With only occasional repairs needed for this tile roofing material when compared to asphalt roofing, it will both last longer and survive a lot more. Because homeowners only need one slate roof in their lifetime, this is a great advantage. Sometimes a shingle roof will need to be replaced more than once. Because of its natural beauty and durability, slate roofing can increase your home’s resale value, unlike the standard asphalt shingle.

The Roofing Company is available to help you with your slate roofing needs. Contact us today for your slate roof repair! Looking for something different? Check out our Clay Tile Roofing Service in South Carolina. Contact The Roofing Company for free estimates for your new tile roof installation and new roof today!

Slate Roofing Example of Slate Roofing The Roofing Company