Is Cedar a Sturdy Enough Material for a New Roof?

roofers in Greenville SC roof replacement

The durability of cedar-based roofing is only exceeded by asphalt roofing and Butler MR – 24 SS roof system that can last up to forty years. Cedar-based roofing is used for numerous applications and design specifications in both residential and commercial areas. Nevertheless, the seams can allow for water to infiltrate the roof, which would, then, require a spray foam roofing system that is seamless, renewable and has great R-value per square inch. However, this particular option is only a temporary fix for larger buildings because problems usually re-emerge after less than two years. In such cases, the customer can benefit from repair services done by roofers in Greenville SC. In order to benefit the most from repair services provided by a specialized commercial roofer, it pays to take into consideration the following: customized repair expenses, initial assessment of damage, reliable references, money-saving options and free preventive maintenance advice. In addition, customers should check roofing maintenance services online by looking up reviews and testimonials.

All in all, no commercial roofer would ever advise against using cedar-based roofing if the installation process is carried out by an experienced professional. The seams are the weakest point, but silicone restoration can be carried out in order to strengthen the seams with silicone coating.

            To conclude, cedar-based roofing is popular in many Western countries and it is essential in certain parts of the world where extreme weather can be very harsh on roofing.